eloper 相关例句
- So far as know, no widow ever elope.
据迄今所知,从未有过寡妇私奔的。 - He eloped with one of his students.
ELOPERELOPER: elongation of paired-end reads as a pre-processing tool for improved de novo genome assemblyProtecting the "frustrated eloper"Minnesota Multi-phasic Personality Inventory differences between female adolescent psychiatric inpatient elopers and non-elopers /Eloper盲isten fosforilannoitteiden pitk盲n ajan vaikutukset maahan ja satoihinIn search of the missing link: The Theory of the Great Chain of Being in Brazil in the nineteenth century - Em busca do elo perdido:...Prove di disgelo per la Franco TosiMaan toiminnallinen viljavuus luomussa ja tavanomaisessa viljelyss盲Elopement--exposure and control.Dyeing of piece goods in synthetic fibres in mottled patterns - using dyes with low affinity