Elops 基本解释
n.type genus of the Elopidae: tenpounder同义词:genus Elops
Elops 相关例句
A Bucco-hypophysial Canal in Elops saurusThe dentition in the mouth cavity of ElopsOn the caudal skeleton in Elops with remarks on other Teleostean fishesL'ostéologie d'Elops Linné, C., 1766 (Pisces Elopiformes) et son interêt phylogénétiqueNursery habitats for ladyfish, Elops saurus, along salinity gradients in two Florida estuariesThe occurrence of ladyfish, Elops saurus , larvae in low salinity waters and another record for Chesapeake BayA new species of ladyfish, of the genus Elops (Elopiformes: Elopidae), from the western Atlantic OceanReevaluation of the caudal skeleton of some actinopterygian fishes: II. Hiodon, Elops, and AlbulaThe Condition Factor, Length-Weight Relationship and Abundance of Elops seneganensis (Regan, 1909) from Nkoro River, Niger Delta, Ni...Summer Foods, Length-Weight Relationship, and Condition Factor of Juvenile Ladyfish, Elops saurus Linnaeus, from Louisiana Coastal S...