emperess 相关例句
Emperess Rose雪里红
the emperess女帝
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“The emperess of the world”: Gender and the voyage utopiaAcceptance of an lllegimate son as Emperor & Rejection of a female as Emperess : A little Study on the Meiji Imperial House Law (or ..."I cannot love, to be am emperess": Women and Honour in TamburlaineBeauty, Bulimia and Tragedy in the Austrian Court; Death by Fame, a Life of Elizabeth Emperess of Austria, by Andrew Sincl Air (Cons...On the Death of the late EmperessSupplement and Tranposition:A Tache in the Development of Deities of the Early Taoism——On the Immortalization of West Emperess and...Gender and Utopia in the Eighteenth Century: Essays in English and French Utopian Writing (Hardback) - RoutledgeЯЗЫКОВЫЕ СРЕДСТВА СОЗДАНИЯ ЖЕНСКИХ ОБРАЗОВ В ИСТОРИЧЕСКИХ РОМАНАХ Р.М...Языковые средства создания образа Екатерины II в романе Б. Акунина «Внек...Between Manuscripts and Books: Islamic Printing in Ethiopia