employment consultant
英:[ɛmˈplɔɪmənt kənˈsʌltənt]
employment consultant 基本解释
Employment consultant
An employment consultant is an expert witness who advises courts and tribunals on employment related issues such as earnings, labour market analysis, residual earning capacity, and retraining. The main area involved is that of personal injury litigation where loss of earnings is an important component of a claim.以上来源于:Wikipedia
employment consultant 相关例句
Employment ConsultantEmployment Consultant[Modes of consultant employment in Israel].The employment slump and family life in today's Japan: views from an employment consultantNew Ways of Working is dead, long live New Ways of Working! Revised joint guidance on the employment of consultant psychiatristsEMPLOYMENT COUNSELING CONSULTANTThe Distinction Between Employment and Consultant Relationships.Career and Employment Consultant (CEC)Preparing for the Pennsylvania gaming industry. Page 18-44 Employment Analysis, as Consultant for Spectrum Gaming[Project to Gear Agricultural Training to Employment. Methodological support mission by an international consultant, 16-29 May 1993]