employment objective
英:[ɛmˈplɔɪmənt əbˈdʒɛktɪv]
employment objective 基本解释
employment objective 相关例句
- Follow Supervisor's instruction to set up daily objective and wok load.
Do Business Investment Incentives Promote Employment in Declining Areas?Evidence from Eu Objective2 RegionsInvestigation on the Influence of Objective Factors on the Employment Psychology of University StudentsSYSTEM AND METHOD FOR OBJECTIVE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION IN EMPLOYMENT RECRUITING PROCESSPathways to employment The final evaluation of ESF Objective 3 in Britain (1994-1999)Education employment linkages: objective two key informant interviews in regional communitiesThe Full-Employment Objective inInferences from competence-based educational objective for employmentAchievement of the employment objective requires faster economic growthSystem and method for objective performance evaluation in employment recruiting processEmployment – European Strategic Objective