英:['entəʊdɜ:m] 美: ['entəˌdəm]
entoderm 基本解释
entoderm[ 'entəudə:m ]
n.the inner germ layer that develops into the lining of the digestive and respiratory systems同义词:endodermendoblastentoblasthypoblast
entoderm 相关例句
EntodermEntodermInfluence of the entoderm on mesodermal expansion in the area vasculosa of the chickThe limit between ectoderm and entoderm in the mouth, and the origin of taste buds. I. AmphibiansThe origin and fate of the entoderm elements in the embryogeny of porcellio laevis latr. and armadillidium nasatum B. L. (isopoda)On the formation of the primary entoderm of the duck (Anas domestica) and on the significance of the bilaminar embryo in birdsBioactivation of asymmetric N-dialkylnitrosamines in rat tissues derived from the ventral entodermInvestigations as to the Localization of the Micromere-, the Skeleton-, and the Entoderm-Forming Material in the Unfertilized Egg of...Identification of noncollagenous basement membrane glycopolypeptides synthesized by mouse parietal entoderm and an entodermal cell l...The antigens of the chick blastula: a comparison between the epiblast, primary hypoblast, yolk entoderm, and extraembryonic yolk by ...