英:[epɪ'sentrəl] 美: [epɪ'sentrəl]
epicentral 相关例句
epicentral distance震中距,震央距
On epicentral waveforms for laser-generated ultrasoundA new method of quickly estimating epicentral distance and magnitude from a single seismic recordStructural characteristics of epicentral areas in Central Europe: study case Cheb Basin (Czech Republic)Earthquake magnitude-frequency, epicentral distance, and soft-sediment deformation in sedimentary basinsPropagation of Elastic Pulses and Acoustic Emission in a Plate—Part 2: Epicentral ResponsesELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY ANOMALY OBSERVED IN AND AROUND THE EPICENTRAL AREA PRIOR TO THE TANGSHAN EARTHQUAKE OF 1976SEISMIC REFRACTION AND REFLECTION PROFILINGS ACROSS TANGSHAN EPICENTRAL REGION AND THEIR IMPLICATION TO SEISMOGENIC PROCESSESCrustal structure and rheology of the Longmenshan and Wenchuan Mw 7.9 earthquake epicentral area from magnetotelluric dataThe complete (3-D) surface displacement field in the epicentral area of the 1999 M W 7.1 Hector Mine Earthquake, California, from sp...Stress and subsidence resulting from subsurface fluid withdrawal in the epicentral region of the 1983 Coalinga earthquake : J Geophy...