英:['epɪstəʊm] 美: ['epəstoʊm]
epistome 基本解释
epistome 相关例句
[Bronchial epistome]
[Bronchial epistome].
The epistome of Phoronis psammophila (Phoronida)
[Spontaneously expectorated tracheal epistome]
Epistome, labrum and palatine sclerites of Agrilus planipennis instars I, II, III, IV.
De plantis epistome utilissima...Novis iconibus et descriptionibus pluribus nunc primum diligenter aucta...
Fine Structure of the Epistome in Phoronis ovalis: Significance for the Coelomic Organization in Phoronida
Organization of the epistome in Phoronopsis harmeri (Phoronida) and consideration of the coelomic organization in Phoronida
Georgii Pachymerii In Universam Aristotelis Disserendi Artem Epistome Ioanne Baptista Rasario Interprete (skany: 1-130)
Morphology and ontogeny of Lophopus crystallinus lophophore support the epistome as ancestral character of phylactolaemate bryozoans