英:['erəntrɪ] 美: ['erəntrɪ]
errantry 基本解释
Errantry is a three-page long poem by J.R.以上来源于:Wikipedia
errantry 相关例句
IMPERIAL ERRANTRYIMPERIAL ERRANTRYThe end of knight-errantry in GVHD studiesCervantes' night-errantry: the deliverance of the imaginationElectric Feel: transduction, errantry and the refrain.Irregular States or the Semiotics of Knight-ErrantryLady Avengers in Jin He's (1818-1885) Narrative Verse of Female Knight-ErrantryThe Spirit Meaning of Admiring the Chinese Knight-errantry Folk-custom and the Culture History of the Chinese Knight-errantryDivine Enthusiasm and Love Melancholy: Tristram Shandy and Eighteenth-Century Narratives of Saint ErrantryUnderstanding and Modern Resonsideration on the Virtue of Faith Righteousness and Bravery in Wushu from the Errantry and Confucian's...