英:[ɪ'rʌkteɪt] 美: [ɪ'rʌkteɪt]
eructate 基本解释
eructate 相关例句
Eructate? Tympany? Hint: both involve alfalfa and airGaset A: Total and partial eructate of pentserythritolUtah Science Vol. 53 No. 2, Summer 1992COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING DOLICHOL FOR DERMATOLOGICAL AND COSMETIC USEEructation of gas through the gastroesophageal sphincter before and after gastric fundectomy in dogs.Gastroesophageal reflux disease is a common cause of noncardiac chest pain in a country with a low prevalence of reflux esophagitis.Method for bloat controlTotal and partial erucate of pentaerythritol. Infrared spectroscopy study of relationship between structure, reactivity, and thermal...Process for preparing solid powder formulations having different colorsRupture of the stomach following oxygen therapy by nasal catheter. Report of a case and review of the literature.