erythema nodosum 相关例句
- Neurologic features can be the first manifestations of Lyme disease, and the classic findings of erythema migrans and arthritis may be absent.
Erythema NodosumErythema nodosum.[Erythema nodosum].Erythema nodosum: a sign of systemic disease.Erythema nodosum and associated diseases. A study of 129 casesErythema nodosum: etiologic and predictive factors in a defined populationERYTHEMA NODOSUM LEPROSUM: A CLINICAL MANIFESTATION OF THE ARTHUS PHENOMENONUveitis and erythema nodosum in inflammatory bowel disease: clinical features and the role of HLA genesSignificance of erythema nodosum and pyoderma gangrenosum in inflammatory bowel diseases: a cohort study of 2402 patients.Immunological studies on aphthous ulcer and erythema nodosum-like eruptions in Behcet's disease.The influence of thalidomide on the clinical and immunologic manifestation of erythema nodosum leprosumProlonged treatment with recombinant interferon gamma induces erythema nodosum leprosum in lepromatous leprosy patients.Macrophage migration inhibitory factor gene polymorphism is associated with sarcoidosis in biopsy proven erythema nodosum.