英:[erɪ'θrɒpsɪə] 美: [erɪ'θrɒpsɪr]
erythropsia 基本解释
erythropsia 相关例句
[Erythropsia][Erythropsia]Erythropsia *Erythropsia revisitedErythropsia or Red Vision[A case of erythropsia].Pseudophakic erythropsiaBlizzard of '83 erythropsiaOn erythropsia and xanthopsia in hemeralopia[Erythropsia in a patient with lens implant. Physiologic and electrophysiologic study]Protection from ultraviolet exposure in aphakic erythropsiaUn caso de eritropsia / A case of erythropsia ####Acromatopsia central / No disponible ####Mechanisms of achromatic vision in invert...Gafas anaglíficas / Anaglyph glasses####Un caso de eritropsia / A case of erythropsia####Funciones visuales en portadores del virus...