ESD 基本解释
abbr.Echo-Sounding Device 回声探测仪;
S-formylglutathione hydrolase is an enzyme that in humans is encoded by the ESD gene.以上来源于:Wikipedia
ESD 相关例句
ESD protection device issues for IC designsPercentage Points for a Generalized ESD Many-Outlier ProcedureWhole-chip ESD protection design with efficient VDD-to-VSS ESD clamp circuits for submicron CMOS VLSIThe impact of technology scaling on ESD robustness and protection circuit designA low-voltage triggering SCR for on-chip ESD protection at output and input padsTransmission Line Pulsing Techniques For Circuit Modeling of ESD PhenomenaHard drive with metal casing and ground pin standoff to reduce ESD damage to stacked PCBA'sEndoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) of early neoplastic gastric lesions using a new double-channel endoscope (the "R-scope")Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) allows curative resection of local recurrent early gastric cancer after prior endoscopic muco...Therapeutic Outcome in 1000 Cases of Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD) for Early Gastric Neoplasms; Korean ESD Study Group (KES...