英:[ˌi: es ˈel] 美: [ˌies'el]
ESL 基本解释
abbr.English as a second language 非母语英语课程;
ESL is a common abbreviation for English as a Second Language.以上来源于:Wikipedia
ESL 相关例句
Schema Theory and ESL Reading PedagogyLearning Styles in the ESL/EFL Classroom.Learning Styles in the ESL/EFL Classroom.Learning styles in the ESL/EFL classroom =The Learning Style Preferences of ESL StudentsMetacognitive Strategy Training for ESL ReadingThe Effects of Referential Questions on ESL Classroom DiscourseLEARNING STRATEGIES USED BY BEGINNING AND INTERMEDIATE ESL STUDENTSInteractive Approaches to Second Language Reading: Schema theory and ESL reading pedagogyLanguage learning: Learning strategies used by beginning and intermediate ESL students