英:[ˌesəʊ'trəʊpɪə] 美: [ˌesoʊ'troʊpɪr]
esotropia 基本解释
esotropia[ ,esə'trəupiə ]
n.strabismus in which one or both eyes turn inward toward the nose同义词:cross-eyecrossed eyeconvergent strabismus
esotropia 相关例句
Risk Factors for Esotropia and ExotropiaEarly surgery for congenital esotropia.Partly accommodative esotropia. Should you overcorrect and cut the plus?Monocular acuity and stereopsis in infantile esotropiaA reassessment of infantile esotropia. XLIV Edward Jackson memorial lecture.Factors influencing stereoacuity in accommodative esotropiaAnomalous motion VEPs in infants and in infantile esotropia.High-grade stereo acuity after early surgery for congenital esotropiaThe natural history of infantile esotropia during the first six months of life. Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group.Why does early surgical alignment improve stereoacuity outcomes in infantile esotropia?