英:[ɪˈspæliə(r)] 美: [ɪˈspæljɚ, -ˌje]
espalier 基本解释
espalier[ is'pæljə ]
n.a trellis on which ornamental shrub or fruit tree is trained to grow flat
espalier 相关例句
EspalierEspalierEspalierÉtude de la corrélation entre copie et dictée chez des enfants normo-lecteurs et dyslexiquesImprovement in combined espalier and shelter for vinesEffect of paclobutrazol on flower-bud production in Eucalyptus nitens espalier seed orchards.Hopf plumbing, arborescent Seifert surfaces, baskets, espaliers, and homogeneous braidsDiscussion on Proper Distribution of Grapevine on Trellis and Espalier and Expression of Growth of Red Globe in XinjiangEspalier system and vine management programme suitable for kiwi fruit.Organic polyculture of passion fruit, pineapple, corn and cassava: the influence of green manure and distance between espaliersEspaliers: A generalization of dendrogramsStudy on light energy capture in grapery with espalier formEffect of espalier orientation on light status and cropping of apple trees