英:[ɪ'spaʊzl] 美: [ɪˈspaʊzəl, -səl]
espousal 基本解释
espousal[ i'spauzəl ]
n.archaic terms for a wedding or wedding feast同义词:bridal
the act of becoming betrothed or engaged同义词:betrothal
the act of accepting with approval; favorable reception同义词:adoptionacceptanceacceptation
espousal 相关例句
‘Realism’ in Policy Espousal‘Realism’ in Policy EspousalThe Qurān and the Espousal of EthicsPareto optimality in policy espousalInternet Banking Espousal in Bangladesh: A Probing StudyOn Joseph Wolpe's espousal of cognitive-behavior therapy.A Planet-Wide Citizen's Income: An EspousalEspousal of Undergraduate Teaching Normative Patterns of First-Year Teaching AssistantsRights, Contract, and Utility in Policy EspousalCapitalising on Diversity: Espousal of Māori Values in the Workplace