"the family owned a large estate on Long Island"
同义词:landlanded estateacresdemesne
a major social class or order of persons regarded collectively as part of the body politic of the country and formerly possessing distinct political rights同义词:estate of the realm
real estate n. 不动产,房地产
real estate market房地产市场;不动产市场
real estate development房地产开发
estate tax(英)房地产遗产税
real estate management房地产管理;物业管理;不动产管理
real estate tax不动产税;固定资产税
housing estate住宅区;居民村;房地产业
estate agent房地产掮客,房地产经纪人
real estate agent房地产经纪人
real estate finance房地产金融;不动产财务
real estate developer房地产开发商
real estate agency房地产公司
real estate broker房地产经纪人,不动产经纪人
real estate appraisal房地产评估;不动产评估
industrial estate工业区,工业园区
real estate financing购置不动产借款
real estate investment trust不动产投资信托公司
landed estate地产,不动产
fourth estate第四等级(新闻界的别称)
trust estate信托财产