英:['i:θərɪn] 美: ['iθərɪn]
etherin 相关例句
A Research on the Stability of Etherbond of p-nitro Aryl Etherin the Alkaline MediumMeasure of Row Material Alkene and Etherin Etheralization Gasoline by NMR[On the history of organic chemistry. 7. The etherin theory]Airborne concentrations of Polybrominated diethyl etherin residential homesElenco esemplificativo dei testi di diritto civile sostanziale e processuale per il concorso in magistratura contabile.OptimizingtheSynthesisofEthyltert-ButylEtherinContinuousCatalyticDistillationColumnUsingNewIonExchangeResinCatalystEVOLUTION OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF PEREMETHERIN AND TRIMETHOPRIM/SULFOMETHOXAZOLE ON PEDICULOSIS CAPITIT AND SOME BACTERIA ISOLATED F...DISE?O ESTRUCTURAL BUCAL EN ETHERINOPSINAE SUDAMERICANOSNeurotoxicological Evaluation of Methyl Tertiary‐butyl Ether in RatsDetermination of methyl tert-butyl ether in surface water by use of solid-phase microextraction.