同义词:ethoxyethanedivinyl ethervinyl etherdiethyl etherethyl ether
the fifth and highest element after air and earth and fire and water; was believed to be the substance composing all heavenly bodies同义词:quintessence
any of a class of organic compounds that have two hydrocarbon groups linked by an oxygen atoma medium that was once supposed to fill all space and to support the propagation of electromagnetic waves同义词:aether
Glucose Ethers 葡萄糖脂 ; 葡萄糖醚
polyphenyl ethers苯基醚类
enol ethers烯醇醚
Glycidyl Ethers缩水甘油醚
trimethylsilyl ethers三甲基硅醚
alkyl ethers烷基醚的
alcohol ethers醇醚
Polyoxymethylenedimethyl ethers聚甲醛二甲醚
Other ethers其他醚类
更多收起网络短语dimethyl ether二甲醚;甲醚
petroleum ether石油醚;石油精
methyl ether甲醚;甲基醚
ether ketone酮醚
crown ether冠醚
ethyl ether乙醚;二乙醚
diphenyl ether[化]二苯醚
butyl ether丁基醚
acetic ether乙酸乙酯;醋酸乙酯
glycol ether乙二醇醚;乙二醇乙醚;甘醇醚
diglycidyl ether缩水甘油醚;二环氧甘油醚;二氧化丙烯醚
glycidyl ether缩水甘油醚
diethyl ether乙醚,二乙醚
ether extract醚提取物
vinyl ether[化]乙烯醚
cellulose ether[有机化学]纤维素醚
phenyl ether 苯基醚;二苯醚(等于diphenyl oxide)
isopropyl ether[化]异丙醚
propylene glycol monomethyl ether[化]丙二醇单甲醚
diisopropyl ether二异丙醚
更多收起词组短语Furniturecushions,carpetpaddingandotherhouseholditemscontainhormone-disruptingflameretardantscalledpolybrominateddiphenylethers, or PBDEs.
Myarticlepops up where only a shortwhileprior,itexistedonlyintheethers, in the UniversalIntelligence,in somedeep partofmysub-conscious,inmysoul.
This makes PCBs[polychlorinatedbiphenyls]andPBDEs[polybrominateddiphenylethers]seem like a walk in the park in termsofdetectionandquantification.