etx 基本解释
abbr.enterotoxin 肠毒素;
ETX, standing for Embedded Technology eXtended, is a highly integrated and compact (3.7 × 4.以上来源于:Wikipedia
etx 相关例句
Binding of ETX epsilon-toxin from Clostridium perfringens in the nervous systemPerformance study of ETX based wireless routing metricsInterference and bandwidth adjusted ETX in wireless multi-hop networksEffect of variation in active route timeout and my route timeout on the performance of AODV-ETX protocol in mobile adhoc networkMorbidity and mortality in Cushing's disease: an epidemiological approach.Maximal and singular integral operators via Fourier transform estimatesEtxabe J, Vazquez JA. Morbidity and mortality in Cushing's's disease: an epidemiological approachSistema de codificación y análisis de la calidad del dato en el fútbol de rendimientoWeighted Norm Inequalities for Homogeneous Singular IntegralsAcromegaly: an epidemiological study