eukaryotic cell
英:[ˌju:karɪˈɔtɪk sel]
eukaryotic cell 基本解释
Eukaryotic Cell
Eukaryotic Cell is an academic journal published by the American Society for Microbiology. The title is commonly abbreviated EC and the ISSN is 1535-9778 for the print version (to 2008), and 1535-9786 for the electronic version.以上来源于:Wikipedia
eukaryotic cell 相关例句
- Prokaryote cells evolved first and gave rise to eukaryote cells.
原核细胞先产生,而后产生真核细胞。 - Here we can see the importance behind compartmentalization of the eukaryotic cell.
Autophagy in the eukaryotic cell.Is hypusine essential for eukaryotic cell proliferation?Hypusine is essential for eukaryotic cell proliferation.Cdc42: An essential Rho-type GTPase controlling eukaryotic cell polarityRegulation of the eukaryotic cell cycle: molecular antagonism, hysteresis, and irreversible transitionsMethods and means to modulate programmed cell death in eukaryotic cellsCyclin‐dependent protein kinases: Key regulators of the eukaryotic cell cycleDifferential expression of DNA topoisomerases I and II during the eukaryotic cell cycle.The AMP-activated/SNF1 protein kinase subfamily: metabolic sensors of the eukaryotic cell?SopE, a secreted protein of Salmonella dublin, is translocated into the target eukaryotic cell via a sip-dependent mechanism and pro...