英:[ju:'fɒtɪk] 美: [ju'fɒtɪk]
euphotic 相关例句
...And Potential Production Of The Euphotic Layer:...Seasonal dynamics of SAR11 populations in the euphotic and mesopelagic zones of the northwestern Sargasso SeaTransfer of atmospheric matter through the euphotic layer in the northwestern Mediterranean: seasonal pattern and driving forcesThe role of sinking fecal pellets in stratified euphotic zonesSignificance of euphotic sediments to oxygen and nutrient cycling in a temperate estuaryA seasonal three‐dimensional ecosystem model of nitrogen cycling in the North Atlantic Euphotic ZoneA Seasonal 3-Dimensional Ecosystem Model of Nitrogen Cycling in the North-Atlantic Euphotic ZoneSome Parametric and Structural Simulations With a three-Dimensional Ecosystem Model of Nitrogen Cycling in the North Atlantic Euphot...Nutrient cycling by animals in freshwater ecosystem. Annu Rev Ecol SystIron and grazing constraints on primary production in the central equatorial Pacific: An EqPac synthesis