英:[ju:p'ni:ə] 美: [jup'niə]
eupnea 基本解释
eupnea[ ju:p'niə ]
n.normal relaxed breathing同义词:eupnoea
eupnea 相关例句
EupneaEupneaeupneaGeneration of eupnea and sighs by a spatiochemically organized inspiratory networkCharacterizations of eupnea, apneusis and gasping in a perfused rat preparationRole of pontile mechanisms in the neurogenesis of eupneaComparison of phrenic motoneuron activity during eupnea and gaspingCarotid body denervation in dogs: eupnea and the ventilatory response to hyperoxic hypercapnia.Effect of ventilatory drive on carbon dioxide sensitivity below eupnea during sleepInfluence of human vocal cord movements on airflow and resistance during eupnea.Reconfiguration of the neural network controlling multiple breathing patterns: eupnea, sighs and gaspsDifferential Modulation of Neural Network and Pacemaker Activity Underlying Eupnea and Sigh-Breathing ActivitiesErratum: Carotid body denervation in dogs: Eupnea and the ventilatory response to hyperoxic hypercapnia (Journal of Applied Physiolo...