英:[ju:p'nɪəə] 美: [jup'nɪrə]
eupnoea 基本解释
n.normal relaxed breathing同义词:eupnea
eupnoea 相关例句
The ventilatory responsiveness to CO 2 below eupnoea as a determinant of ventilatory stability in sleepMedullary respiratory neurones and control of laryngeal motoneurones during fictive eupnoea and cough in the catCharacterizations and comparisons of eupnoea and gasping in neonatal rats.Power spectral analysis of respiratory responses to pharyngeal stimulation in cats: comparisons with eupnoea and gasping.A commentary on eupnoea and gasping.Reflex recruitment of medullary gasping mechanisms in eupnoea by pharyngeal stimulation in cats.Respiratory afferent activity in the avian vagus: eupnoea, inflation and deflationProstaglandin E2 differentially modulates the central control of eupnoea, sighs and gasping in miceCardio-respiratory relationships during "eupnoea"and respiratory arrhythmias in the Port Jackson shark, Heterodontus portusjacksoniActivity Patterns of the Thyropharyngeus (ThPh) Muscle During Eupnoea, Cough and Swallow