英:['jʊərɪtɪk] 美: ['jʊərɪtɪk]
euritic 基本解释
euritic 相关例句
euriticMorphological and biochemical analyses of amyloid plaque core proteins purified from Alzheimer disease brain tissueCorrelation between morphological and biochemical effects of ethanol on neuroblast‐enriched cultures derived from three‐day‐old c...[Neuropathology of Alzheimer's disease.]尾A4 deposition in the temporal cortex of adults with Down's syndromeThe Student's Elements of Geology by Sir Charles LyellNeuropathologische Aspekte der Alzheimer-KrankheitAlzheimer's disease a study of epidemiological aspects Ann Neurol 1984 Risk factors for clinically diagnosed Alzheimer's disease.A c...granuliticgranulitic