Eurosceptic 基本解释
Eurosceptic 相关例句
THE MAKING OF EUROSCEPTIC BRITAINThe making of eurosceptic Britain, second editionThe making of Eurosceptic Britain: Identity and economy in a post-imperial stateMargaret Thatcher, Tony Blair and the Eurosceptic Tradition in BritainThe AfD: Finally a Successful Right-Wing Populist Eurosceptic Party for Germany?The People Against Europe: The Eurosceptic Challenge to the United Kingdom's Coalition Government †Citizens against Europe? Civil Society and Eurosceptic Protest in Ireland, the United Kingdom and Denmark *Europhile Media and Eurosceptic Voting: Effects of News Media Coverage on Eurosceptic Voting in the 2009 European Parliamentary Elec...The UK and the European Union: Dimensions of Sovereignty and the Problem of Eurosceptic BritishnessThe voter says no, but nobody listens: causes and consequences of the Eurosceptic vote in the 2014 European elections