Eutaw 基本解释
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Eutaw 相关例句
Fossil Crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda) from the Upper Cretaceous Eutaw Formation of AlabamaReactive transport of trace elements and isotopes in the Eutaw coastal plain aquifer, AlabamaEquilibrium Responses Reflected in a Large (Upper Cretaceous Eutaw Formation, Alabama, USA)A new selachian fauna from the Eutaw Formation (Upper Cretaceous/Early to Middle Santonian) of Chattahoochee County, GeorgiaA new Upper Cretaceous (Santonian) amber deposit from the Eutaw Formation of eastern Alabama, USAFEATHERS OF THE INGERSOLL SHALE, EUTAW FORMATION (UPPER CRETACEOUS), EASTERN ALABAMA: THE LARGEST COLLECTION OF FEATHERS FROM NORTH ...Ichnology of fair-weather and storm deposits in an Upper Cretaceous estuary (Eutaw Formation, western Georgia, USA)Campanian ammonites from the Tombigbee Sand Member of the Eutaw Formation, the Mooreville Formation, and the basal part of the Demop...Ichnofabrics, ichnocoenoses, and ichnofacies implications of an upper cretaceous tidal﹊nlet sequence (Eutaw formation, central Alab...Character and Genesis of the Ingersoll Shale, A Compact Continental Fossil-Lagerstätte, Upper Cretaceous Eutaw Formation, Eastern A...