euthyroid sick syndrome
英:[ju:ˈθaiərɔid sik ˈsindrəum]
euthyroid sick syndrome 基本解释
euthyroid sick syndrome 相关例句
Euthyroid sick syndrome.Euthyroid sick syndrome.Euthyroid sick syndromeAlterations in Thyroid Function in Patients with Systemic Illness: The “Euthyroid Sick Syndrome”*Cardiopulmonary bypass and thyroid function: A “euthyroid sick syndrome” ☆Clinical review 86: Euthyroid sick syndrome: is it a misnomer?A potential role of activated NF-κB in the pathogenesis of euthyroid sick syndromeEuthyroid sick syndrome: an overviewRole of cytokines in the pathogenesis of the euthyroid sick syndrome.Euthyroid Sick Syndrome: Is It a Misnomer?Euthyroid sick syndrome in meningococcal sepsis: the impact of peripheral thyroid hormone metabolism and binding proteinsEuthyroid sick syndrome in acute ischemic syndromes.Characteristics of recovery from the euthyroid sick syndrome induced by tumor necrosis factor alpha in cancer patients.