英:[ɪ'vɜ:sɪbəl] 美: [ɪ'vɜsəbəl]
eversible 基本解释
eversible 相关例句
EversibleEversibleEversibleScents and Eversible Scent Structures of Male MothsEversible Pheromone Gland in a Melolonthine Beetle, Holotrichia parallelaWater transport by the eversible abdominal vesicles of Petrobius brevistylisMethod for fabricating a planar eversible lattice which forms a stent when evertedThe ventral eversible gland (VEG) of Spodoptera littoralis triggers early responses to herbivory in Arabidopsis thalianaStructure and function of the eversible glands of the aquatic firefly Luciola leii (Coleoptera: Lampyridae)A functional unit consisting of an eversible gland with neurosecretory innervation and a proprioreceptor derived from a complex sens...Secretions from the ventral eversible gland of Spodoptera exigua caterpillars activate defense-related genes and induce emission of...Discharge of Hemolymph from the Ventral Eversible Gland of Ascovirus-Infected Fall Armyworm Larvae, Spodoptera-Frugiperda (Lepidopte...Winter feeding behaviour of Ceratophysella sigillata (Collembola: Hypogastruridae) and the significance of eversible vesicles for r...