英:[ɪk'saɪd] 美: [ɪk'saɪd]
excide 基本解释
excide 相关例句
Exide Sells Yuasa Stake - Excide Technologies, Yuasa Inc - Brief ArticleDe non excidenda arbore fructifera Deutr. XX: 19Exactissima Flandriae descriptio: Flandria Caroli V Aug. Imp. max. natione illustrissima Belgic[a]e provinciae est comitatus longè ...Computed temperature distributions around ectatic capillaries exposed to yellow (578 nm) laser lightMethods and apparatus for removable lid with ultra fast action speed for relies compressed media, liquid or compressed gasAortic dissection with concomitant acute myocardial infarction: From diagnosis to managementInfluence of hot rolling and high speed hydrostatic extrusion on the microstructure and mechanical properties of an ODS RAF steel[Long term sequelae of otitis media with effusion during childhood].A primary subcutaneous hydatid cyst in the thigh A case reportSequencing and sequence analysis of myostatin gene in the exon 1 of the camel (Camelus dromedarius).