英:['eksəʊkɑ:p] 美: ['eksoʊˌkɑp]
exocarp 基本解释
exocarp[ 'eksəukɑ:p ]
n.outermost layer of the pericarp of fruits as the skin of a peach or grape同义词:epicarp
exocarp 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- Berry globose, ovoid, or ellipsoid, exocarp smooth or verrucose, indehiscent, usually dispersed by birds.
浆果球状,卵球形,或椭圆形,外果皮平滑的或瘤状的,通常通过鸟播散。 - Berry turbinate, clavate, or pyriform, base narrow or often attenuate into stipe, exocarp leathery, pubescent or glabrous.
Therapeutic mechanism of ginkgo biloba exocarp polysaccharides on gastric cancer.Characterization and antioxidant activity of Ginkgo biloba exocarp polysaccharidesFruit Exocarp Phenols in Relation to Quiescence and Development of Monilinia fructicola Infections in Prunus spp.: A Role for Cellul...Relationships between fruit exocarp antioxidants in the tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum ) high pigment-1 mutant during developmentAntioxidant content and ascorbate metabolism in cherry tomato exocarp in relation to temperature and solar radiationANTIOXIDANT CONTENT AND AS ASCORBATE METABOLISM IN CHERRY TOMATO EXOCARP IN RELATION TO TEMPERATURE AND SOLAR RADIATIONCarboxypeptidase CNI. Purification and Characterization of the Enzyme from the Exocarp of Citrus natsudaidai HAYATADifferential incorporation of 1-deoxy-D-xylulose into (3S)-linalool and geraniol in grape berry exocarp and mesocarp.Studies on water transport through the sweet cherry fruit surface. 10. Evidence for polar pathways across the exocarpModulation of protein phosphorylation, N-glycosylation and Lys-acetylation in grape (Vitis vinifera) mesocarp and exocarp owing to L...