explicit knowledge
英:[iksˈplisit ˈnɔlidʒ] 美: [ɪkˈsplɪsɪt ˈnɑlɪdʒ]
explicit knowledge 基本解释
Explicit knowledge
Explicit knowledge is knowledge that has been articulated, codified, and stored in certain media. It can be readily transmitted to others.以上来源于:Wikipedia
explicit knowledge 相关例句
Explicit Knowledge
Explicit knowledge
Tacit and Explicit Knowledge
A theory of implicit and explicit knowledge
The role of tacit and explicit knowledge in the workplace
The Definition and Measurement of L2 Explicit Knowledge
From implicit skills to explicit knowledge: a bottom-up model of skill learning
Managing tacit and explicit knowledge transfer in IJVs: the role of relational embeddedness and the impact on performance
Modulation of cortical motor output maps during development of implicit and explicit knowledge
Masked presentations of emotional facial expressions modulate amygdala activity without explicit knowledge