extraneously 相关例句
Apparatus and method for processing information continuously even against extraneously incoming noiseThe Instability of the Work Hardened State. I. Slip in Extraneously Deformed CrystalsFeeding motivation on the incidence of floor eggs and extraneously calcified eggs laid by broiler breeder hensMultimode analysis of extraneously induced excitation due to turbulence on cable-stayed bridges, including temporary stabilizing mea...[To control Tessaratoma papillosa by extraneously cultivated Anastatus japonicus]METHOD OF CONTROLLING THE RATE OF FEED TO AN EXTRANEOUSLY ENERGIZED AIRSWEPT MILLDevice for extraneously fixing broken humerus - has threaded holder screwed into bone and attached to stabiliser by fixing devicesOn the use of some extraneous information in the estimation of the coefficients of regressionSystem and method for efficient layout of functionally extraneous cellsGeneralized pustular psoriasis. A clinical and epidemiological study of 104 cases