eye catching 相关例句
用作形容词(adj.)- The appearance of a package that catches the eye will certainly be of much help in promoting the sales.
外观引人注目的包装肯定大大有利于促销。 - Remarkable photos of it look like the blue iris of a human eye complete with eyelids.
Eye CatchingEye catchingEye catchingEye-Catching Vision Discovery - Johns Hopkins School of Medicine27 Kurt Kobain The 27 Club Book 2Trunk performance after stroke: an eye catching predictor of functional outcome.Tape rule blade having graduations in an eye-catching third colorEye-catching crowds: saliency based selective variationEye-catching: Right hemisphere attentional bias for emotional picturesX-linked mental retardation with Marfanoid habitus: the eye-catching psychiatric disordersWriting an eye-catching and evocative abstract for a research article: A comprehensive and practical approachPassively illuminated, eye-catching display for traffic signsWriting an eye-catching, high-impact paper