f2f 相关例句
用作缩略词(abbr.)- Informed consent is a basic requirement for mental health researchers and practitioners, both online and f2f.
F2F: Reliable storage in open networksFriendBox: A Hybrid F2F Personal Storage ApplicationFriendBox: A Hybrid F2F Personal Storage ApplicationDynamics of two F2F-coupled lasers: instantaneous coupling limitDynamics of two F2F-coupled lasers: instantaneous coupling limitAnalysis of data availability in F2F storage systems: When correlations matterMethod and apparatus for decoding F2F signals read from a magnetic data carrierWhat do students do in a F2F CSCL classroom? The optimization of multiple communications modesWhat do students do in a F2F CSCL classroom? The optimization of multiple communications modesEmerging Patterns in Transferring Assessment Practices from F2f to Online Environments.