faculae 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- So a new method to limit the facula was presented to improve illumination efficiency of light-pipe.
据此,提出了限制光斑进入方棒以提高整体照明系统效率的方法。 - In order to calculate the radius of the facula captured by CCD, several algorithms are discussed.
Polar faculae - 1906-1990Polar faculae and sunspot cyclesOn the Origin of Solar FaculaeThe contrast of faculae near the solar limbDo polar faculae on the sun predict a sunspot cycle?The influence of faculae on total solar irradiance and luminosityObservations of photospheric faculae at the center of the solar diskOn the intensity contrast of solar photospheric faculae and network elementsProperties of the Smallest Solar Magnetic Elements. II. Observations versus Hot Wall Models of FaculaeRadiative properties of magnetic elements. II. Center to limb variation of the appearance of photospheric faculae