family plan 基本解释
family plan 相关例句
FAMILY PLANFamily planFamily PlanFamily Plan Promotional Offer SharingThe Friends and Family Plan: Contact with Gays and Support for Gay Rights"Family plan"--multiple-patient visits from the same family to an inner-city pediatric emergency department.The Friends and Family Plan: Assessing the Impact of Knowing Someone Gay on Support for Gay RightsMetaphase Evaluation of Increasing Clients'Satisfaction on Currently Used Contraceptions and Im- proving Quality of Family Planning ...Patient delivered partner therapy for chlamydia: Support and concern among doctors and nurses working in Australian Family Planning ...Clinical audit of the process of referral to genitourinary medicine of patients found to be chlamydia positive in a family planning ...Evaluation of the Factors Concerning the Unexpected Pregnancy of Women who Applied to the Mother and Child Care and Family Planning ...Planning and implementing an essential package of sexual and reproductive health services: Guidance for integrating family planning ...Screening and intervening: evaluating a training program on intimate partner violence and reproductive coercion for family planning ...