法雷尔英雄,勇敢的人盖尔语男James Thomas Farrell 詹姆斯•托马斯•法雷尔: (1904~1979),美国作家,其最著名的是三部曲小说《斯塔兹·洛尼甘》。
Farrell[ 'færəl ]
n.United States writer remembered for his novels (1904-1979)
同义词:James Thomas Farrell
United States operatic soprano noted for the clarity and power of her voice (1920-2002)
同义词:Eileen Farrell
Farrell 相关例句
colin farrell科林·法瑞尔(爱尔兰演员)
Farrell quickly vaulted to the A-list. 法雷尔很快一跃成为一线演员。
In addition, Mister Farrell says Japan's apparent lack of caring about its past cruelty has hurt its relations with other Asian nations. 此外,法雷尔先生认为日本对其过去的暴行表先出的漠视已经伤害了它与亚洲邻国的关系。
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