fattened 相关例句
用作动词(v.)- We keep animals in pens to fatten them.
我们把动物关在围栏里把它们养肥。 - Some people deny themselves the necessaries or comforts of life in order that they may be able to help to fatten a publican.
Parakeratosis of the rumens of lambs fattened on pelleted feed.Morphology of organs of ruminants fattened on maize and straw silage with added urea.Growth intensity and carcass characteristics of fattened pheasant poultsThe Topological B-Model on Fattened Complex Manifolds and Subsectors of N=4 Self-Dual Yang-Mills TheoryMuscle composition and fatty acid profile in lambs fattened in drylot or pasture.Fatty acid profile of the fat from Celta pig breed fattened using a traditional feed: Effect of the location in the carcassEffect of different feeds on meat quality and fatty acid composition of lambs fattened at pasture.Methane conversion rate of bulls fattened on grass or maize silage as compared with the IPCC default values, and the long-term metha...The effect of weight on carcass and meat quality of Serra da Estrela and Merino Branco lambs fattened with dehydrated lucerneThe impact of the transport distance and season on losses of fattened pigs during transport to the slaughterhouse in the Czech Repub...