Faye 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- Faye hasn't eaten all day,she must be sickening for something.
et al., “Architecture and Evaluation of An Unplanned 802.11b Mesh NetworkIndigenous Media: Faustian Contract or Global Village?Ambulatory evaluation of nephrolithiasisON THE BINDING OF CONGO RED BY AMYLOIDMolecular Evolution of Zika Virus during Its Emergence in the 20th CenturyHeterodimers of Placenta Growth Factor/Vascular Endothelial Growth FactorKRAS and BRAF Mutations in Advanced Colorectal Cancer Are Associated With Poor Prognosis but Do Not Preclude Benefit From Oxaliplati...N-glycoprotein biosynthesis in plants: recent developments and future trends.Ending Africa's Poverty TrapThe essential histone variant H2A.Z regulates the equilibrium between different chromatin conformational states