Feal 基本解释
In cryptography, FEAL (the Fast data Encipherment ALgorithm) is a block cipher proposed as an alternative to the Data Encryption Standard (DES), and designed to be much faster in software. The Feistel based algorithm was first published in 1987 by Akihiro Shimizu and Shoji Miyaguchi from NTT.以上来源于:Wikipedia
Feal 相关例句
Oxidation of NiAl and FeAlFast data encipherment algorithm FEALFast Data Encipherment Algorithm FEALDifferential Cryptanalysis of Feal and N-HashNanoporous Surfaces of FeAl Formed by Vacancy ClusteringA New Method for Known Plaintext Attack of FEAL CipherLinear cryptanalysis using multiple approximations and FEALCorrelation of the hardness and vacancy concentration in FeAlEquilibrium point defects in intermetallics with the B2 structure: NiAl and FeAlAn environmental effect as the major cause for room-temperature embrittlement in FeAl ☆