femto 相关例句
Femto-Cell Resource PartitioningFemto-Joule, high-speed planar GaAs E-JFET logicSYNCHRONIZATION FOR FEMTO-CELL BASE STATIONSWriting waveguides in glass with femto-second laserEfficient resource management in OFDMA Femto cellsOn femto deployment architectures and macrocell offloading benefits in joint macro-femto deploymentsWave-packet dynamics: new physics and chemistry in femto-timeGeneration of double-scale femto/pico-second optical lumps in mode-locked fiber lasers.On exploiting cognitive radio to mitigate interference in macro/femto heterogeneous networksParticle size distributions and compositions of aerosols produced by near-IR femto- and nanosecond laser ablation of brass