fictionalisation 相关例句
The terrible dearth ofinformation, the fictionalisationofourexperience,there ishardlyanygayautobiography,justnovels,butwhy novelise it when the bestofitisinourlives?
因信息的极度匮缺,而虚构自身体验,致世间竟无一本同性恋者的自传,有的只是小说,而我们为何要制造幻象? 那些最优秀者就在我们周围。
FictionalisationThe fictionalisation of PoliticsThe fictionalisation of reality in the pre-war novels of Jean GionoAgainst autobiography: towards a self-fictionalisationSomewhere Between What Is and What If: Fictionalisation and Ethnographic InquiryVARIATIONS DES ANCRAGES ÉNONCIATIFS ET FICTIONALISATION D'UNE ANECDOTE D'ALBERT CAMUSCreating a literary space to debate the mao era: The fictionalisation of the great leap forward in Yan Lianke's four booksEmbattled Vienna 1683/2010: Right-wing populism, collective memory and the fictionalisation of politics"... A healthier atmosphere than that of exile": The fictionalisation of resistance in Hilda Monte's posthumous novel where freedom ...Polyethylene glycol (PEG-400) as an efficient and recyclable reaction mediacatalyst-free benzyl CâH fictionalisation of methyl ...