Folders 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- Display files as well as folders.
显示文件和文件夹。 - Click on folders to open and close them.
Automatic categorization of email into folders: Benchmark experiments on Enron and SRI corporaHierarchical folders displayIntroducing the Enron CorpusEmail in personal information managementUtilizing knowledge context in virtual collaborative workSnap-together visualization: can users construct and operate coordinated visualizations?Pain Mechanisms: A New TheoryMarrow Stromal Cells as Stem Cells for Nonhematopoietic TissuesCancer Chemopreventive Activity of Resveratrol, a Natural Product Derived from GrapesActivation of β-Catenin-Tcf Signaling in Colon Cancer by Mutations in β-Catenin or APC