forties 相关例句
forty thousand四万
用作数词(num.)- They managed to squash forty people into the bus.
用作形容词(adj.)- He reigned over the country for forty years.
First-time motherhood : experiences from teens to fortiesEfficacy of screening mammography for women in their fortiesFertility and sexual life of men after their forties and in older ageBreast cancer screening among women in their forties: an overview of the issuesDrinking trajectories from adolescence to the mid-forties among alcohol dependent males.Risk-based recommendations for mammographic screening for women in their fortiesBenefits and risks of screening mammography for women in their forties: a statistical appraisal.White matter hyperintensities in the forties: Their prevalence and topography in an epidemiological sample aged 44–48REPLY: re: benefits and risks of screening mammography for women in their forties: a statistical appraisalInfluences of Provenance and Diagenesis on Detrital Garnet Suites in the Paleocene Forties Sandstone, Central North Sea