frescoes 相关例句
al fresco在户外;在野外
用作名词(n.)- This is a masterpiece in fresco.
这是一幅壁画法的杰作。 - The frescos in the Sistine Chapel are world-famous.
A Color Analysis of the Brancacci Chapel FrescoesComparison between thermographic techniques for frescoes NDTSpanish mediaeval frescoes at Basconcillos del Tozo: a Fourier transform Raman spectroscopic studyRaman spectra of oxalates in lichen encrustations on Renaissance frescoesNewly discovered portraits of rulers and the dating of the oldest frescoes in LipljanColloidal Particles of Ca(OH)2: Properties and Applications to Restoration of FrescoesBiotechnology applied to cultural heritage: biorestoration of frescoes using viable bacterial cells and enzymesFourier Transform Raman analysis of paint fragments from biodeteriorated Renaissance frescoesTHE KARIYE DJAMI, Vol. 1: Historical Introduction and Description of the Mosaics and Frescoes. Vol. 2: The Mosaics. Vol. 3: The Fres...Preliminary Raman microscopic analyses of a lichen encrustation involved in the biodeterioration of renaissance frescoes in Central ...