frontal bone
英:[ˈfrʌntl bəun] 美: [ˈfrʌntl bon]
frontal bone 基本解释
frontal bone
n.the large cranial bone forming the front part of the cranium: includes the upper part of the orbits同义词:os frontaleforehead
frontal bone 相关例句
- Dural repairs were done through an intradural approach via single frontal craniotomy.
从额骨处做开颅术,经硬脑膜内做脑膜修复。 - Frontal osteomyelitis induced by sinusitis is the most frequent clinical presentation.
frontal boneFrontal BoneFrontal bone windows for transcranial color-coded duplex sonography.Extradural epidermoid tumor of the frontal boneDistraction of the frontal bone outside the cranial plane: a rabbit model.Thallium-201 uptake in eosinophilic granuloma of the frontal bone: comparison with technetium-99m-MDP imaging.Localized eosinophilic granuloma (Langerhans' cell histiocytosis) of the orbital frontal bone.Concerted action of Msx1 and Msx2 in regulating cranial neural crest cell differentiation during frontal bone developmentTGF尾-mediated FGF signaling is crucial for regulating cranial neural crest cell proliferation during frontal bone developmentTGFbeta-mediated FGF signaling is crucial for regulating cranial neural crest cell proliferation during frontal bone development