galilean 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- What is the life of this Galilean worth in comparison with the life of the nation?
Galilean Conformal Algebras and AdS/CFT
Heating up Galilean holography
Galilean Genesis: an alternative to inflation
The galilean satellites and jupiter: voyager 2 imaging science results.
Formation of the Galilean Satellites: Conditions of Accretion
E pur si muove: Galilean-invariant cosmological hydrodynamical simulations on a moving mesh
Scale and Conformal Transformations in Galilean-Covariant Field Theory
Stochastic rotation dynamics: A Galilean-invariant mesoscopic model for fluid flow
Energetic Ion and Electron Irradiation of the Icy Galilean Satellites
Theory of the lattice boltzmann method: dispersion, dissipation, isotropy, galilean invariance, and stability