英:['gæmbɪə] 美: ['gæmˌbɪr]
gambier 相关例句
The Gambier mappingThe Gambier mapping, revisitedGambier extracts as an inhibitor of calcium carbonate (CaCO 3 ) scale formationBasalts from Mururoa, Fangataufa and Gambier islands (French Polynesia): Geochemical dependence on the age of the lithosphereGroundwater flow regime within the Gambier Embayment of the Otway Basin, Australia: evidence from hydraulics and hydrochemistryBirth defects and household water supply. Epidemiological studies in the Mount Gambier region of South Australia.Alteration of Cenozoic cool-water carbonates to low-Mg calcite in marine waters, Gambier Embayment, South AustraliaBäcklund transformation of partial differential equations from the Painlevé-Gambier classification. II. Tzitzéica equationNouveaux gastéropodes Endodontidae et Punctidae (Mollusca, Pulmonata) récemment éteints de l'archipel des Gambier (Polynésie)CO 2 -rich gases from Lakes Nyos and Monoun, Cameroon; Laacher See, Germany; Dieng, Indonesia, and Mt. Gambier, Australia—variation...